Who are we?
We are women-led organization registered legally in Turkey in 2015 and implement projects in North West Syria and in Turkey, Our activities like: GBV awareness sessions, GBV case management, and PSS individual and group sessions for women and men in the camps by mobile teams. Safe spaces for women and girls in Idleb country side and in Turkey.
women economic empowerment through vocational training and microfinance. Adolescents and youth empowerment technologically, psychosocially, culturally, educationally and politically. Especial program for girls drop out of schools.
our Association was established in 2006 in Jordan-Amman by a council included nine women ,and formed three committees (cultural, social, media) , it contributed in serving Syrian women, girls, and boys through establishing a developing and a productive projects.
With the beginning of the Syrian Revolution in 2011 Syrian woman association was the first organization forming a relief committee sponsored Syrian refugees in Jordan.
At the beginning of 2015 the organization had been legally registered in Turkey under the name of “Rabıta Suriyeli Kadın Derneği”, and doing many projects for Syrian women, girls, and boys in Syria and Turkey in the field of protection, GBV, CP, livelihood, nutrition, distribution of food and NFI, mental health, education.

- Feminist justice and social empowerment.
- A comprehensive societal vision.
- Development planning.
- building capabilities.
- Enhancing the female role.
- towards a society that can.

In it's operation, the Syrian Women Association is committed to the four humanitarian principles, as following:
Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found. The purpose of humanitarian action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings
Neutrality: Humanitarian actors must not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature
Impartiality: Humanitarian action must be carried out on the basis of need alone, prioritizing the most urgent cases of distress and making no distinctions on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religion, class or political opinions
Independence: Humanitarian action must be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented

What are we doing?
Cooperating with all parties to create a safe society free from violence and extortion and to promote moral values in all countries.
Empowering Syrian women, girls and boys in the fields: social, economic and legal, activating their role in society, and protect them from gender-based violence.
Woman with awareness enjoys a healthy & safe society, free from violence.
- Working to make the Syrian Women Association the first institution to meet the needs of Syrian women.
- Cooperate and coordinate with other Syrian, Arabic and international organizations working in the same field.
- Prepare and train Syrian women, girls, and boys to play their role in society.
- Empowering women, girls, and boys in economic, social, and legal fields.
- Protecting women, girls, and boys from gender-based violence.
- Identify the problems of Syrian women, girls, and boys and strive to find solutions.
- Enabling the Syrian woman in the economic and social sides.
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